Reflections of a Veteran Pessimist: Contemplating Modern Europe, Russia, and Jewish History
Shiloah 2007 The Arab confrontation with european music, The question revisited.pdf
欧洲文学与拉丁中世纪 Europäische Literatur und Lateinisches Mittelalter
The Political Economy of Javas Northeast Coast, c. 1740-1800 (TANAP Monographs on the History of Asian-European Interaction)
Comprehensive Handbook of Psychological Assessment, Intellectual and Neuropsychological Assessment (Comprehensive Handbook of Psychological Assessment)
The Transformation of European Politics 1763-1848
Gender, Health and Ageing: European Perspectives on Life Course, Health Issues and Social Challenges
Dilemmas of European Integration: The Ambiguities and Pitfalls of Integration by Stealth
Les saints et leur culte en Europe centrale au Moyen Âge: (xie-début du xvie siècle)
Tools and Algorithms for the Construction and Analysis of Systems: 23rd International Conference, TACAS 2017, Held as Part of the European Joint Conferences on Theory and Practice of Software, ETAPS 2017, Uppsala, Sweden, April 22-29, 2017, Proceedings, P
Dzieje europejskiej filozofii klasycznej
欧洲的创生: 950—1350年的征服、殖民与文化变迁(The Making of Europe: Conquest, Colonization and Cultural Change 950—1350)
Creating the Successful European Retail Bank (Financial Times Executive Briefings)
Arabic Christianity Between the Ottoman Levant and Eastern Europe
The Entrepreneurial Shift: Americanization in European High-Technology Management Education
Think Again: Alain Badiou and the Future of Philosophy (Athlone Contemporary European Thinkers Series)
Britain, the Commonwealth and Europe: The Commonwealth and Britains Applications to Join the European Communities (Studies in Modern History)