Think Again: Alain Badiou and the Future of Philosophy (Athlone Contemporary European Thinkers Series)

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Slavoj Zizek is not alone in thinking that Alain Badious recent work is the event of contemporary philosophy. Think Again, the first publication of its kind, goes a long way towards justifying his assessment. Badiou is nothing if not polemical and the most suitable way to approach his philosophy is precisely through the controversies it creates. This book, which opens with an introduction aimed at readers new to Badious work, presents a range of essays which explore Badious most contentious claims in the fields of ontology, politics, ethics and aesthetics. Alain Badiou has devised perhaps the only truly inventive philosophy of the subject since Sartre. Almost alone among his peers, Badious work promises a genuine renewal of philosophy, a subject he sees as conditioned by innovation in spheres ranging from radical politics to artistic experimentation to mathematical formalization. Slavoj Zizek is not alone in thinking that Alain Badious recent work is the event of contemporary philosophy. Think Again, the first publication of its kind, goes a long way towards justifying his assessment. Badiou is nothing if not polemical and the most suitable way to approach his philosophy is precisely through the controversies it creates. This book, which opens with an introduction aimed at readers new to Badious work, presents a range of essays which explore Badious most contentious claims in the fields of ontology, politics, ethics and aesthetics.

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Think Again Alain Badiou Future Philosophy Athlone Contemporary European Thinkers


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Think Again: Alain Badiou and the Future of Philosophy (Athlone Contemporary European Thinkers Series)
