The Political Economy of Javas Northeast Coast, c. 1740-1800 (TANAP Monographs on the History of Asian-European Interaction)

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This book is a study of the political economy of Java`s Northeast Coast from 1743, when the VOC emerged as its ruler, until the end of the eighteenth century. The focus is on the various power-holders - namely coastal Javanese regents, Mataram rulers, Chinese merchants and Company authorities - and how they accommodated the changes brought about with the power shift, what their primary resources were and how they tried to maximize their advantages in the new politico-economic setting. This study also shows how the Company, despite being the ruler, had to compromise with these power-holders and satisfy their needs to optimize its gains.

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Political Economy Javas Northeast Coast 1740 1800 TANAP Monographs History


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The Political Economy of Javas Northeast Coast, c. 1740-1800 (TANAP Monographs on the History of Asian-European Interaction)
