Historical Dictionary of the Republic of Croatia (Historical Dictionaries of Europe)

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The Republic of Croatia is one of the new countries that resulted from the collapse of the former Yugoslavia. To its own people, however, it is a very old country with a long-awaited chance to forge a nation.In this revised edition, the author helps readers to understand what happened to Croatia and why, and the current status of the divided country more than 10 years after it became a new state. It sticks to the facts, emphasizing that the Croatian perception of history will play a dominant role in the ideology and political behavior of the Croats for a long time to come. The chronology has been brought up to date, new entries have been added, and existing entries have been expanded. The bibliography has been revised to include recent works that have appeared since the publication of the first edition.

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Historical Dictionary Republic Croatia Dictionaries Europe


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Historical Dictionary of the Republic of Croatia (Historical Dictionaries of Europe)
