Raspberry Pi Pico Essentials Program, build, and master over 50 projects with MicroPython and the RP2040 microprocessor
MicroPython for ESP8266 Development Workshop
Get started with MicroPython on Raspberry Pi Pico with errata
MicroPython for the Internet of Things
LEARN MICROPYTHON WITH ESP32: Python Programming, Raspberry Pi, Micro-python Modules, Bme280 Environment Sensor And More
Python for Microcontrollers: Getting Started with Micropython
Beginning Sensor Networks with XBee, Raspberry Pi, and Arduino: Sensing the World with Python and MicroPython
Programming with MicroPython: Embedded Programming with Microcontrollers and Python
EXPLORE ESP32 MICROPYTHON: Python Coding, Arduino Coding, Raspberry Pi, ESP8266, IoT Projects, Android Application Projects
MicroPython For Everyone: How To Use ESP32 And ESP8266: Micropython Arduino
MicroPython Programming with ESP32 and ESP8266
Embedded System Design with Arm Cortex-M Microcontrollers. Applications with C, C++ and MicroPython
Get started with MicroPython on Raspberry Pi Pico
Micropython for the Internet of Things: A Beginners Guide to Programming with Python on Microcontrollers
Programming with MicroPython: embedded programming with Microcontrollers and Python
Embedded System Design with ARM Cortex-M Microcontrollers: Applications with C, C++ and MicroPython
MicroPython中文教程 V2.0