LEARN MICROPYTHON WITH ESP32: Python Programming, Raspberry Pi, Micro-python Modules, Bme280 Environment Sensor And More

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So some of you might think micro pies and what is this super tiny snake or maybe something to do with Monte Python or so the triple E spectrum realized his ranking of the most used programming languages in 2018.And it`s very interesting. Python is on the top and it says a 100% coverage shrink. it`s in the web, it`s on your desktop computer and it`s now, already, also used on microcontrollers. And what I find quite interesting is that assembly entered into top. This year, which means probably because of the internet of things that are programmed with assembly.So micro Piven is a fully reimplementation of Python and it leads to be lean and efficient to run on a microcontroller because you couldn`t be just using Python as you know, from your desktop computer. It needs. it was rewritten from sketch to fit on the microcontroller. It has a virtual machine and a runtime system with garbage collection and everything you need to make it really efficient. There`s bike code or native machine code you can use with. The micropython and is also in support for Atlanta smaller. when you have a project where you like to use Python, because you want to get it up easy, but you need to make it more efficient in some, your tiny bits. There`s also Atlanta San Francisco Portland. The compilation happens on the chip. it`s not compile your program. You write as the compile on your desktop sheen, it`s complete compact on the hardware use. as late as I have this fantastic camera over here, I will show you some demos.

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LEARN MICROPYTHON ESP32 Python Programming Raspberry Pi Micro python Modules


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LEARN MICROPYTHON WITH ESP32: Python Programming, Raspberry Pi, Micro-python Modules, Bme280 Environment Sensor And More
