Master the LSAT (Prep Course Series)

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This is the 2021 edition.Comprehensive, Rigorous Prep for the LSAT. To prepare properly for the LSAT, you must study problems that reflect the true LSAT format. The best way to do that is to study actual LSAT tests. Now, you can do that with this book! MASTER THE LSAT contains detailed solutions to 4 official LSATs! numerous actual LSAT questions, carefully selected to illustrate every type of question that has appeared on the test in the past several years, including thorough analysis of 4 official LSATs! These solutions will introduce you to numerous analytic techniques that will help you immensely not only on the LSAT but in law school as well. The LSAT is an aptitude test. Like all aptitude tests, it must choose a medium in which to measure intellectual ability. The LSAT has chosen logic. Although this makes the LSAT hard, it also makes the test predictable--it is based on fundamental principles of logic. MASTER THE LSAT analyzes and codifies these basic principles: the contrapositive, the if-then, pivotal words, etc. Armed with this knowledge, you will have the ability to greatly increase your score. Features: * Analytical Reasoning: Learn powerful diagramming techniques and step-by-step strategies to solve every type of game question that has appeared on the LSAT. * Logical Reasoning: Discover the underlying simplicity of these problems and learn the principles of logic these questions are based on. * Reading Comprehension: Develop the ability to spot places from which questions are likely to be drawn as you read a passage. (pivotal words, counter-premises, etc.) * Mentor Exercises: These exercises provide hints, insight, and partial solutions to ease your transition from seeing LSAT problems solved to solving them on your own. * Complete analysis of 4 official LSATs. * Official score conversion charts and writing samples for each test. * The average LSAT scores of 153 ABA approved law schools. Also includes LSAT test prep software! Software features: Mentor Mode: In Mentor Mode, you are immediately told whether you answered a problem correctly, and you can immediately view a detailed solution of the problem. Test Mode: In Test Mode, you can take a test timed and scored by the program.

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Master LSAT Prep Course Series


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Master the LSAT (Prep Course Series)
