Cinch Knot

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Pipeline security guard Dan Webster and pump station technician Gwen Stevens discover a nuclear device inside an ultrasonic inspection pig, and are convinced it is a part of a sinister conspiracy involving the pipeline. They discover a multinational plot, Cinch Knot, masterminded by influential oil and shipping leaders to restrict the flow of oil by nuking the pipeline and driving the price of oil upward. Thus, the fate of the Alaska oil pipeline, Valdez, pristine, Prince William sound, and economic stability of the world, as well as the lives of thousands of people are threatened unless the bomb is disarmed and the schemers are stopped. Fast moving—Cinch Knot`s 200 pages takes the reader on an intriguing international chase to stop the scheme, and to the story`s surprise ending.

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Cinch Knot


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Cinch Knot
