Equity Asset Valuation Workbook (Cfa Institute Investment)

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In the book Equity Asset Valuation, experts John Stowe, Thomas Robinson, Jerald Pinto, and Dennis McLeavey fully detail the contemporary techniques used to determine the intrinsic value of an equity security, and show readers how to successfully apply these techniques in both foreign and domestic markets.In the Equity Asset Valuation Workbook, they offer you a wealth of practical information and exercises that will further enhance your understanding of this discipline. This detailed study guide--which parallels Equity Asset Valuation chapter by chapter--contains concise summary overviews of the chapters, challenging problems, and a complete set of solutions.Engaging and accessible, Equity Asset Valuation Workbook reviews essential concepts you must be familiar with in order to excel at this endeavor. Topics covered include:The equity valuation processDiscounted dividend valuationFree cash flow valuationMarket-based valuation--including price multiplesResidual income valuationAnd much more

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Equity Asset Valuation Workbook Cfa Institute Investment


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Equity Asset Valuation Workbook (Cfa Institute Investment)
