Practical TCP-IP: Designing, Using, and Troubleshooting TCP-IP Networks on Linux (R) and Windows ®

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An accessible and practical `why and how-to` of Lan and Internet networking for Linux and Windows. *Tells you how to build a working network of any size, from just two computers joined together, to a large company network. *Explains how TCP/IP networks work, and how all the important protocols and applications operate - e-mail, Web, FTP etc. *Shows how to diagnose problems and how to fix them, offering a unique and practical troubleshooting `methodology.` *Useful to everyone - network managers, system administrators, other computing professionals, students and users with home networks. *Copiously illustrated with screenshots and/or diagrams on almost every page.Audience: The primary audience for this book includes those who use TCP/IP networks every day, those who manage or build networks, and those responsible for an organizations applications and systems as a whole. User Level: Intermediate Author Biography: Niall Mansfield is Technical Director at UIT Cambridge. Niall specializes in firewalls, e-mail and internet security. One of Niall`s recent projects included setting up the Internet and Web Systems for a world-wide financial newspaper.He is the author of two critically acclaimed books from Addison Wesley: ``The Joy of X, an overview of the X window system ``and ``The X Window System, a user`s guide. ``

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TCP IP Practical Designing Using Troubleshooting Networks Linux Windows


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Practical TCP-IP: Designing, Using, and Troubleshooting TCP-IP Networks on Linux (R) and Windows ®
