为什么动物不会心脏病发作,但人会(马蒂亚斯·拉斯医生) Why Animals Dont Get Heart Attacks but People Do (Chinese Mandarin Version)
Worldwide Volunteering for Young People: In Association With Youth for Britain
DevOps Automation Cookbook: Over 120 recipes covering key automation techniques through code management and virtualization offered by modern Infrastructure as a Service
MicroPython for ESP8266 Development Workshop
反动的修辞: 保守主义的三个命题 (The Rhetoric of Reaction: Perversity, Futility, Jeopardy)
Herbarium: Propriedades Mágicas das Ervas
Continuous Delivery and DevOps: A Quickstart Guide
The Optimists Handbook: A Companion to Hope - The Pessimists Handbook: A Companion to Despair
DevOps for Digital Leaders Reignite Business with a Modern DevOps-Enabled Software Factory
MATPLOTLIB FOR PYTHON DEVELOPERS - : effective techniques for data visualization with python.
Advanced Pulverized Coal Injection Technology and Blast Furnace Operation
Prophets Of Violence - Prophets Of Peace: Understanding the Roots of Contemporary Political Violence
C++ Primer Plus (Developers Library) 6th Edition
Simplifying Android Development with Coroutines and Flows: Learn how to use Kotlin coroutines and the flow API to handle data
古汉语语法及其发展 Grammar and Development of Ancient Chinese