Physics of Negative Refraction and Negative Index Materials: Optical and Electronic Aspects and Diversified Approaches (Springer Series in Materials Science)
Physics and Applications of Negative Refractive Index Materials
Entropy of Mind and Negative Entropy: A Cognitive and Complex Approach to Schizophrenia and its Treatment
An Application of the Quantum Theory of Band Spectra to the First Negative Deslandres Group of Carbon
Remark on the Number of Classes of Binary Quadratic Forms of a Given Negative Determinant
Negative Refraction Metamaterials: Fundamental Principles and Applications
Evidence for the Continuous Creation of the Common Elements Out of Positive and Negative Electrons
The Bondage Breaker: Overcoming Negative Thoughts, Irrational Feelings, Habitual Sins
Sentential negative markers as pro-forms of negative sentences in modern Mongolian
The Last Self-Help Book Youll Ever Need: Repress Your Anger, Think Negatively, Be a Good Blamer, and Throttle Your Inner Child
Positive and Negative Pinhole Resonators
否定的辩证法 (Negative Dialektik)
Freeing your child from negative thinking: powerful, practical strategies to build a lifetime of resilience, flexibility, and happiness
Wie wir die Welt sehen: Was negative Nachrichten mit unserem Denken machen und wie wir uns davon befreien
Adornos Negative Dialectic: Philosophy and the Possibility of Critical Rationality
The Permanence and Care of Color Photographs: Traditional and Digital Color Prints, Color Negatives, Slides, and Motion Pictures