Digital Transformation Game Plan - Gary O’Brien, Guo Xiao, and Mike Mason
Git Apprentice - Chris Belanger
Premiere Pro CC Digital Classroom
Multilevel and Longitudinal Modeling Using Stata
The Permanence and Care of Color Photographs: Traditional and Digital Color Prints, Color Negatives, Slides, and Motion Pictures
The Digital Photography Book, Part 2
Six decree of freedon digital simulation model for unguided fin-stabilized rockets
DIGITAL MULTIMETER FOR BEGINNERS: A detailed guide to learn all the functions on the Digital multimeter and use it effectively
Verilog HDL: a guide to digital design and synthesis
Fisch and Spehlmanns EEG Primer Basic Principles of Digital and Analog EEG
Christopher Greys Lighting Techniques for Beauty and Glamour Photography: A Guide for Digital Photographers
Verilog Digital System Design
ZBrush Digital Sculpting Human Anatomy
Manjushri-nama-samgiti in lanja script
Jerry Ds Extreme Makeover Techniques for Digital Glamour Photography