The System Designers Guide to VHDL-AMS: Analog, Mixed-Signal, and Mixed-Technology Modeling
Basic ESD and I/O Design
Android Studio game development: concepts and design
Digital Circuit Analysis and Design with SIMULINK Modeling: And Introduction to CPLDs and FPGAs
3D Game Engine Design
Arduino Computer Vision Programming: Design and develop real-world computer vision applications with the powerful combination of OpenCV and Arduino
Handbook of Combinatorial Designs
6502 software design
Handbook for Blast Resistant Design of Buildings
Wireless Access Networks: Fixed Wireless Access and WLL Networks - Design and Operation
3D打印建模:Autodesk 123D Design详解与实战 第2版
Altium Designer. SolidWorks. Часть 2. Схемотехническое проектирование
HTML and CSS: Design and Build Websites
Computer Organization and Design RISC-V Edition
Implementing Cloud Storage with OpenStack Swift : design, implement, and successfully manage your own cloud storage cluster using the popular OpenStack Swift software
Applied OpenStack Design Patterns: Design solutions for production-ready infrastructure with OpenStack components