Climate Change Task Force Future Map Melbourne, 2030 (2008)
Climate Change 2007 - Impacts, Adaptation and Vulnerability: Working Group II contribution to the Fourth Assessment Report of the IPCC
The Civil Society Report on Climate Change
World in Transition Annual Report 2007, Climate Change as a Security Risk: Summary for Policy-Makers
Climate change and water
Climate Change Education. Knowing, Doing and Being
Climate Change 2007 - Mitigation of Climate Change: Working Group III contribution to the Fourth Assessment Report of the IPCC (Climate Change 2007)
Monitoring Climate Change Impacts: Metrics at the Intersection of the Human and Earth Systems
Climate Change Education: Knowing, doing and being
Restructuring Federal Climate Research to Meet the Challenges of Climate Change
Weather and Climate Extremes in a Changing Climate
The Patagonian Icefields: A Unique Natural Laboratory for Environmental and Climate Change Studies
Climate Change as a Security Risk
Limiting the Magnitude of Future Climate Change (Americas Climate Choices)
PLA tools for Climate Change
Informing an Effective Response to Climate Change
Climate Change 2007 - The Physical Science Basis: Working Group I Contribution to the Fourth Assessment Report of the IPCC
Himalayan Glaciers: Climate Change, Water Resources, and Water Security