OpenStack Cloud Computing Cookbook Over 100 practical recipes to help you build and operate OpenStack cloud computing, storage, networking, and automation
Building Trust in Diverse Teams: The Toolkit for Emergency Response
Building Microservices
When a Butterfly Sneezes: A Guide for Helping Kids Explore Interconnections in Our World Through Favorite Stories
Building Web Applications with ArcGIS
Building Django 2.0 Web Applications: Create enterprise-grade, scalable Python web applications easily with Django 2.0
AngularJS Directives Cookbook: Extend the capabilities of AngularJS and build dynamic web applications by creating customized directives with this selection of more than 30 recipes
Retribution: A Vengeance Novel (Vengeance Series Book 3)
Turbulent Decade: A History of the Cultural Revolution
Getting Started with Ubuntu 12.10
Thuis voelen in de buurt: een opgave voor stedelijke vernieuwing: een vergelijkend onderzoek naar de buurthechting van bewoners in Nederland en Engeland
Membrane Technology: A Practical Guide to Membrane Technology and Applications in Food and Bioprocessing (Butterworth-Heinemann IChemE)
El sabueso y la dama
Build Your Resilience: CBT, mindfulness and stress management to survive and thrive in any situation: How to Survive and Thrive in Any Situation (Teach Yourself)
Programming Kotlin Applications: Building Mobile and Server-Side Applications With Kotlin
道德經 Tao Te King. Das Buch des Alten vom Sinn und Leben
The SketchUp workflow for architecture: modeling buildings, visualizing design, and creating construction documents with SketchUp Pro and LayOut