线性代数应该这样学Liner Algebra Done Right(中文).pdf
Concise Introduction to Linear Algebra
Riemann-Roch Algebra
线性代数及其应用 Linear Algebra and Its Applications
Vectors, Pure and Applied: A General Introduction to Linear Algebra
Multiplier ideal sheaves and analytic methods in algebraic geometry
Introduction to linear algebra
线性代数 Linear Algebra
An Introduction to Linear Algebra
Linear Algebra for Everyone
Calculus, Volume I: One-Variable Calculus, with an Introduction to Linear Algebra
代数幾何学1-3 (Algebraic Geometry)
Introduction to Linear Algebra
No bullshit guide to linear algebra
MS325 - A - Computer Algebra
Comprehensive introduction to linear algebra. Part 2
A (terse) introduction to linear algebra [draft]
Comprehensive Introduction to Linear Algebra, Part II