Tecumseh and the Shawnee prophet. including sketches of George Rogers Clark, Simon Kenton, William Henry Harrison, Cornstalk, Blackhoof, Bluejacket, the Shawnee Logan, and others famous in the frontier wars of Tecumseh̕s time
《认识商业(原书第12版)》William Nickels / [美] James McHugh / [美] Susan McHugh
《写给大家看的PPT设计书》Robin Williams
《研究是一门艺术》Wayne C. Booth / Gregory G. Colomb / Joseph M. Williams
《雅思考官阅读》杰克 (Jack Williams) 文字版
Picatrix: Ghayat Al-Hakim- The Goal of the Wise. Translated from the Arabic by Hashem Atallah and Geylan Holmquest. Edited by William Kiesel. Volume II