WebAssembly: The Definitive Guide: Safe, Fast, and Portable Code (Early Release)
Frommers Portable Las Vegas for Non-Gamblers (2007) (Frommers Portable)
The Disreputable History of Frankie Landau-Banks
The Art of WebAssembly: Build Secure, Portable, High-Performance Applications
Arduino + Android Projects for the Evil Genius Control Arduino with Your Smartphone or Tablet
A Suitable Vengeance
CCNA Portable Command Guide
The Situation in Regard to Rowlands Preliminary Table of Solar Spectrum Wave-Lengths
Mental Toughness: Step by Step Guide for an Unbeatable Mindset Developing Powerful Habits, Self Confidence & Discipline. Improve Your Focus, Performances and Mental Resilience Like a Champion
数据可视化与数据挖掘——基于Tableau和SPSS Modeler图形界面
Phrasal Verbs and Idioms in Context (Suitable for Levels B2-C1)
Past, Present and Future of a Habitable Earth: The Development Strategy of Earth Science 2021 to 2030
Tableaux allemands du XVIe siècle [dans les collections hongroises]