《从偶然到必然:中产阶级充电必读(全20册)》麦克·莫耶(Mike Moyer)/安德里·赛德涅夫(Andrii Sedniev)/ 帕特里克·金(Patrick King)/何塞·曼纽尔·莫雷拉·巴蒂斯塔(José Manuel Moreira Batista)
Ubuntu Kung Fu: Tips, Tricks, Hints, and Hacks
The Patrick Melrose Novels
Street Skateboarding: Flip Tricks
Tricky Twenty-Two
Real-Time Rendering Tricks and Techniques in DirectX
Game Programming Tricks of the Trade (The Premier Press Game Development Series)
John Walkenbachs Favorite Excel 2010 Tips and Tricks (Mr. Spreadsheets Bookshelf)
Access Solutions: Tips, Tricks, and Secrets from Microsoft Access MVPs
Mental Math: Tricks To Become A Human Calculator (For Speed Math, Math Tricks, Vedic Math Enthusiasts, GMAT, GRE, SAT Students & Case Interview Study)
Trick Play: A Quick Snap Novella (Quick Snap Collection)
Cinema 4D: Tipps und Tricks für die Architekturvisualisierung
Power BI MVP Book: A book of tricks and techniques for working with Power BI