Light Shadow Space: Architectural Rendering with Cinema 4D
Tom Swift and His Space Solartron (Book 13 in the Tom Swift Jr series)
《Headspace冥想正念手冊》Andy Puddicombe
Space Robotics and Autonomous Systems Technologies, advances and applications
Radiation Effects in the Space Telecom Environment
Lieu, espace, mouvement: Physique, Métaphysique et Cosmologie (xiie-xvie siècles): Actes du colloque international Université de Fribourg (Suisse), 12-14 mars 2015
ITI Treatment Guide, Volume 6: Extended Edentulous Spaces in the Esthetic Zone - Daniel Wismeijer, Stephen Chen, Daniel Buser, Julia-Gabriela Wittneben, Hans Peter Weber - (2012) 276 pp., ISBN: 9783868671414
Radiation Effects in Advanced Commercial Technologies: How Device Scaling has Affected the Selection of Spaceborne Electronics
Reach for the Skies: Ballooning, Birdmen, and Blasting into Space
M303 - 4 - Metric spaces and continuity
Automatic Control of Atmospheric and Space Flight Vehicles: Design and Analysis with MATLAB® and Simulink®
A Zeptospace Odyssey
Primer on Riemannian geometry and stochastic analysis on path spaces
The Makerspace Workbench
Atmospheric and Space Flight Dynamics: Modeling and Simulation with MATLAB® and Simulink®