Web Information Systems Engineering – WISE 2008 Workshops: WISE 2008 International Workshops, Auckland, New Zealand, September 1-4, 2008. Proceedings
Hot and Handy: A Small Town Romantic Suspense (Shameless Southern Nights Book 3)
Function spaces, interpolation theory, and related topics: proceedings of the international conference in honour of Jaak Peetre on his 65th birthday: Lund, Sweden, August 17-22, 2000
Modern Full-Stack Development: Using TypeScript, React, Node.js, Webpack, and Docker
A selected word list of modern literary Arabic
Fast Software Encryption: 10th International Workshop, FSE 2003, Lund, Sweden, February 24-26, 2003. Revised Papers
Controlling zwischen Wissenschaft und Praxis: Reden anlässlich der Ehrenpromotion von Karlheinz Hornung, Péter Horváth und Jürgen Weber
FRM Part I Book 4: Valuation and risk models (2013 SchweserNotes)
Mafic-ultramafic Intrusions in Beishan and Eastern Tianshan at Southern CAOB: Petrogenesis, Mineralization and Tectonic Implication
Cornell Lab of Ornithology
The Handbook of Computer Networks, LANs, MANs, WANs, the Internet, and Global, Cellular, and Wireless Networks
Learn HTML - From Beginner To Advanced: HTML Complete Guide
Functional Programming Patterns in Scala and Clojure
Effective Pandas: Patterns for Data Manipulation (Treading on Python)
An Introduction to Modern Econometrics Using Stata
Python机器学习=Python machine learning
Inschriftliche Gesetzestexte der frühen griechischen Polis: Aus dem Nachlaß von Reinhard Koerner