Queer Bangkok: 21st century markets, media, and rights
The Financial Times Guide To Investing: The Definitive Companion To Investment and The Financial Markets
GNSS Markets and Applications (GNSS Technology and Applications)
The Organization of Labour Markets: Modernity, Culture and Governance in Germany, Sweden, Britain and Japan
Governing Banking’s Future: Markets vs. Regulation
FRM Part I Book 3: Financial Markets and Products (2014 Schweser Notes)
MIDAS Technical Analysis: A VWAP Approach to Trading and Investing in Todays Markets
The Future of Domestic Capital Markets in Developing Countries (World Bank IMF Brookings Emerging Market)
2017 Financial Risk Manager (FRM) Exam Part I Financial Markets and Products
FRM Part II Book 4: Risk Management and Investment Management; Current Issues in Financial Markets (2013 SchweserNotes)
市场的构造:21世纪资本主义社会的经济社会学: The Architecture of Markets: An Economic Sociology of Twenty-First-Century Capitalist Societies
FRM Part I Book 3: Financial markets and products (2013 SchweserNotes)