Learning hard C#学习笔记
Learning Objective-C by Developing iPhone Games
-学习JavaScript数据结构与算法第三版 Learning JavaScript Data Structures and Algorithms 3rd Edition
Building Data Science Applications with FastAPI: Develop, manage, and deploy efficient machine learning applications with Python
Learning LaTex by Doing
Machine Learning Design Patterns
Python Deep Learning
Deep Learning for Coders with fastai and PyTorch
One in Eleven: Teaching Adolescents With a Language Learning Disability
Learning NumPy Array: Supercharge your scientific Python computations by understanding how to use the NumPy library effectively
Open teaching toolkit - learning how to learn
Learning OpenStack: Set up and maintain your own cloud-based Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) using OpenStack
Learning C++ by Creating Games with UE4
Ambiguity Resolution in Language Learning: Computational and Cognitive Models
Learning Neo4j: Run blazingly fast queries on complex graph datasets with the power of the Neo4j graph database
Learning OpenStack networking : build a solid foundation in virtual networking technologies for OpenStack-based clouds
Deep Learning for Coders With Fastai and Pytorch: AI Applications Without a PhD
Learning D3.JS 4.x Data Visualization - Third Edition