嵌入式Linux C语言程序设计基础教程 (高等院校嵌入式人才培养规划教材)
图解Linux操作系统架构设计与实现原理;Linux内核设计的艺术: 图解Linux操作系统架构设计与实现原理
《Linux-UNIX系统编程手册(上、下册)》Michael Kerrisk
Mastering Embedded Linux Programming - Second Edition: Unleash the full potential of Embedded Linux with Linux 4.9 and Yocto Project 2.2
Linux Bible, 2008 Edition: Boot up to Ubuntu, Fedora, KNOPPIX, Debian, openSUSE, and 11 Other Distributions
Practical TCP-IP: Designing, Using, and Troubleshooting TCP-IP Networks on Linux (R) and Windows ®
Linux C与C++ 一线开发实践
Debian GNU-Linux Anwenderhandbuch für Einsteiger und Profis : Installation, Konfiguration & Praxis ; Onlineausgabe