Docker and Kubernetes for Java Developers: Scale, deploy, and monitor multi-container applications
Introduction to Simulink with Engineering Applications
Liver and Biliary Tract Surgery Embryological Anatomy to 3D-Imaging and Transplant Innovations
Explosion and Blast-Related Injuries: Effects of Explosion and Blast from Military Operations and Acts of Terrorism
Chinese Intelligence Operations
Membrane Technology: Volume 3: Membranes for Food Applications
Programming Google App Engine with Java: Build & Run Scalable Java Applications on Googles Infrastructure
OpenStack Operations Guide: Set Up and Manage Your OpenStack Cloud
Standard operations specifications : aircraft maintenance handbook
MST209 - Specimin Exam and Solutions
Disputation by Decree: The Public Disputations Between Reformed Ministers and Dirck Volckertszoon Coornhert as Instruments of Religious Policy During the Dutch Revolt
The 21st Century Dictionary of English Collocations
A Handbook of Name and Pictures for Ship Construction with Chinese and English Illustrations 简明船舶结构英汉图解词典
Learning SciPy for numerical and scientific computing : a practical tutorial that guarantees fast, accurate, and easy-to-code solutions to your numerical and scientific computing problems with the power of SciPy and Python
Virtual Reality and Animation for MATLAB® and Simulink® Users: Visualization of Dynamic Models and Control Simulations
Tourism and development in mountain regions
Classic works on the Dempster-Shafer theory of belief functions: 43 tables