Cinema 4D-After Effects-RealFlow 动态图形设计案例解析
Shiro Kido - Cinema shogun
CINEMA 4D 10 Workshop
Every Frame a Rembrandt: Art and Practice of Cinematography
Cinema 4D R13 Cookbook
Cinema 4D - ab Version 14 : das umfassende Handbuch
Light Shadow Space: Architectural Rendering with Cinema 4D
Cinema 4D R14 Cookbook, 2nd edition
Cinema 4D, Third Edition: The Artists Project Sourcebook
Beyond Photoshop: Advanced techniques integrating Photoshop with Illustrator, Poser, Painter, Cinema 4D and ZBrush
COFFEE: The Scripting Language of Cinema 4D
Cinema 4D Beginner’s Guide
CINEMA 4D 11 Workshop
Cinema 4D. Практическое руководство