The Economist November 5th, 2011. (UK Edition) volume 401 issue 8758
The Economist October 15th, 2011 issue 8751
《二十一世纪》双月刊 2005–2007年 第087–104期
The Economist September 17th, 2011 volume 400 issue 8751
The Economist October 22nd, 2011 issue 8756
The Economist - January 07, 2012 issue 8766
The Economist January 21st, 2012 issue 8768
《帝国的年代:1875~1914》 【英】霍布斯鲍姆文字版
普通乐学 11387090.pdf
The Economist September 24th, 2011 volume 400 issue 8752