Tóxicos: Lei n. 11.343, de 23 de agosto de 2006: Lei de Drogas: Anotada e interpretada
Tools and Algorithms for the Construction and Analysis of Systems: 23rd International Conference, TACAS 2017, Held as Part of the European Joint Conferences on Theory and Practice of Software, ETAPS 2017, Uppsala, Sweden, April 22-29, 2017, Proceedings, P
《征服Excel VBA:让你工作效率倍增的239个实用技巧》吴永佩
Neutron inelastic-scattering cross sections of ²³²Th, ²³³U, ²³⁵U, ²³⁸U, ²³⁹Pu and ²⁴°Pu. [LMFBR]