The Scars of Her Dragon (Dragon Guard Series Book 14)

该资源由用户: 一吃就胖小小柔 上传  举报不良内容

Book 14 in the Dragon Guard series. The books can be read as stand-alone stories, but it is advisable to read them in order to get the most enjoyment from the series. The past is never just the past especially when it haunts your every thought and turns your dreams to nightmares. Forgiveness is the only path to peace. Unfortunately, that route is filled with the faces of the dead. The dove brings love, peace and protection to the world. She has the power to restore what’s been lost and heal the wounds of the past. If only he would let her. A love created by the Universe was supposed to be enough. Their happily ever after had been woven in the fabric of time, but that was before the years of guilt and shame ate away at the heart of the man and his beast. Can one woman’s faith in a love that conquers all erase the scars of her dragon? This book contains explicit sexual material and violence. It is only suited for mature readers 18 years of age and older.

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Dragon Scars Her Guard Series Book 14


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The Scars of Her Dragon (Dragon Guard Series Book 14)
