Wiley Study Guide for 2015 Level I CFA Exam: Complete Set

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The Wiley Study Guides for the Level 1 CFA exam are proven to help candidates understand, retain, and master the CFA Program Curriculum, complete with color-coded Study Guides and coverage of every Learning Outcome Statement on the exam. With over 1,000 pages of distilled knowledge from our staff of CFA charterholders and instructors, these books are a highly effective and proven study aid filled with exam tips, fundamental concepts, and in-depth examples. Our authors have used their years of personal teaching experience with students from a variety of backgrounds to develop study guides that improve the study experience of CFA Level I candidates and include practical and helpful tips and test-taking advice though-out the text. The color-coding feature, which makes it easier for you to follow cases and examples that make references to graphs and sets of financial statements. Most subjects, especially Economics, Portfolio Management and Fixed Income use plenty of figures and diagrams to illustrate important concepts. Our study guides include all those figures and additional commentary to make the material easily understandable.

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Wiley Study Guide 2015 Level CFA Exam Complete Set


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Wiley Study Guide for 2015 Level I CFA Exam: Complete Set
