The Art and Science of Hand Reading: Classical Methods for Self-Discovery Through Palmistry

该资源由用户: 留云念霜 上传  举报不良内容

Palmistry is a science and a universal language. The hand tells a story about your talents, relationships, health and how you feel about yourself. It reveals periods of ease or challenge in your life and it speaks about your weaknesses and the traits you need to develop. As you change, so do your hands, reflecting the progress you have made. In this comprehensive guide to hand reading, based on Ellen Goldberg’s 40 years of teaching palmistry and the Western Mystery tradition, the authors make the powerful insights of the hand accessible in an inviting and user-friendly manner. The book presents the character traits and personality archetypes associated with each of the seven mounts of the palm and shows how to determine which are most influential in the nature of the individual. The mount archetypes reveal the lifestyle, love, sex and marriage preferences, the best career choices; and the unique strengths and weaknesses for each person. The book also examines other factors that enhance the qualities revealed by the mount types, including the flexibility of the hand, texture of the skin and the shapes of the fingers, fingertips and nails. The meaning of each major and minor line is described in detail as well as the influence the person’s own mind has in healing defects and obstacles found on their lines. The authors also provide accurate timing guides for each line, making it possible to locate specific events and to see how your lines change over time. Presenting the hand as a guide to self-fulfillment, The Art and Science of Hand Reading incorporates correspondences to other mystical sciences such as astrology, Kabbalah, the Hermetic teachings and archetypal psychology. It also includes practical examples and more than 600 illustrations to show how to integrate the meanings of each part of the hand to form a complete picture of your inner psychology and your ever-changing destiny.

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Art Science Hand Reading Classical Methods Self Discovery Through Palmistry


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The Art and Science of Hand Reading: Classical Methods for Self-Discovery Through Palmistry
