Cultures of Violence : Racial Violence and the Origins of Segregation in South Africa and the American South

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This book deals with the inherent violence of race relations in two important countries that remain iconic expressions of white supremacy in the twentieth century. Cultures of violence does not just reconstruct the era of violence. Instead, it convincingly contrasts the lynch culture of the American South to the bureaucratic culture of violence in South Africa. By contrasting mobs of rope-wielding white Southerners to the gun-toting policemen and administrators who formally defended white supremacy in South Africa, Cultures of violence employs racial killing as an optic for examining the distinctive logic of the racial state in the two contexts. Combining the historian`s eye for detail with the sociologist`s search for overarching claims, the book explores the systemic connections amongst three substantive areas to explain why contrasting traditions of racial violence took such firm root in the American South and South Africa.

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Violence South Cultures Racial Origins Segregation Africa American


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Cultures of Violence : Racial Violence and the Origins of Segregation in South Africa and the American South
