Shining the Light III: Humanity Gets a Second Chance

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In the third book of the Shining the Light series, the focus shifts from the dastardly deeds of the secret government to humanity’s role in creation. Earth receives unprecedented aid from Creator and cosmic councils, who recently lifted us beyond the third dimension to avert a great catastrophe. Humanity begins to learn to render the sinister secret government powerless by being the light that we are. Earth becomes a member of the Council of Planets, and the universe time-shifts to preserve the Explorer Race. Source information shines the light of truth on: Photos of beings, portals, and holes in time and space Sinister secret government (mining on Hopi land, technology, terrorist activity, being forced to move, and more) Military resistance to global power grab by secret government Universal time shifts that preserved the Explorer Race The photon belt, which is your God-self coming to join you Be interested and aware of what is happening around you, but focus on what is happening within you — become aware of your becoming.

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Shining Light III Humanity Gets Second Chance


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Shining the Light III: Humanity Gets a Second Chance
