The Queens Flight: The Emerging Queens Book 2

该资源由用户: 震山子璐 上传  举报不良内容

Viola has shifted into a three headed-dragon.  In addition to needing to learn everything about this new world she`s found herself in – like how to fly, a cult is trying to kill her.  She needs to find a sanctuary and get protection while she acclimates herself to her new status as a dragon Queen.  Her self-esteem after years of being used and abandoned by men has been battered so she can`t quite accept all the fawning the dragon studs are lavishing on her.  The fact that all her exes and her father who abandoned her at birth are now calling her up has reinforced this feeling. When she accidentally binds a Queen hating dragon to be her protector, she has to prove to Sergei that she`s not like the other Queens or she might find herself facing the cult of humanity all by herself.

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Queens Flight Emerging Book


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The Queens Flight: The Emerging Queens Book 2
