Introduction to Information Security. A Strategic-Based Approach

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Most introductory texts provide a technology-based survey of methods and techniques that leaves the reader without a clear understanding of the interrelationships between methods and techniques. By providing a strategy-based introduction, the reader is given a clear understanding of how to provide overlapping defenses for critical information. This understanding provides a basis for engineering and risk-management decisions in the defense of information. Information security is a rapidly growing field, with a projected need for thousands of professionals within the next decade in the government sector alone. It is also a field that has changed in the last decade from a largely theory-based discipline to an experience-based discipline. This shift in the field has left several of the classic texts with a strongly dated feel. Provides a broad introduction to the methods and techniques in the field of information securityOffers a strategy-based view of these tools and techniques, facilitating selection of overlapping methods for in-depth defense of informationProvides very current view of the emerging standards of practice in information security

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Introduction Information Security Strategic Based Approach


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Introduction to Information Security. A Strategic-Based Approach
