DIY Mushroom Cultivation: Growing Mushrooms at Home for Food, Medicine, and Soil Willoughby Arevalo

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9,311,275 Books84,837,646 ArticlesZLibrary HomeSign in DonateMain DIY Mushroom Cultivation: Growing Mushrooms at Home for Food, Medicine, and SoilDIY Mushroom Cultivation: Growing Mushrooms at Home for Food, Medicine, and SoilWilloughby Arevalo0 / 0 0 comments Bring mushrooms into your life as you dive into the practice of home-scale mushroom cultivationWith applications in permaculture, urban farming, cooking, natural medicine, and the arts, interest in home-scale mushroom cultivation is exploding. Yet many beginners remain daunted by the perceived complexity of working with fungi.DIY Mushroom Cultivation is the remedy, presenting proven, reliable, low-cost techniques for home-scale cultivation that eliminate the need for a clean-air lab space to grow various mushrooms and their mycelium.Beautiful full-color photos and step-by-step instructions accompany a foundation of mushroom biology and ecology to support a holistic understanding of the practice. Growing techniques are applicable year-round, for any space from house to apartment, and for any climate, budget, or goal. Techniques include:• Setting up a home growing space• Inexpensive, simple DIY equipment• Culture creation from mushroom tissue or spores• Growing and using liquid cultures and grain spawn• Growing mushrooms on waste streams• Indoor fruiting• Outdoor mushroom gardens and logs• Harvesting, processing, tinctures, and cooking.Whether you hunt mushrooms or dream about growing and working with them but feel constrained by a small living space, DIY Mushroom Cultivation is the ideal guide for getting started in the fascinating and delicious world of fungiculture.Categories:Housekeeping & Leisure - GardeningYear:2019Edition:1Publisher:New Society PublishersLanguage:EnglishPages:208ISBN 10:0865718954ISBN 13:9780865718951Series:Homegrown City LifeFile:EPUB, 27.97 MB Download (epub, 27.97 MB) Send-to-Kindle or Email You may be interested inPowered by Rec2Me Most frequently terms mushrooms361mushroom226spawn197fruiting195substrate173mycelium164sawdust144fungi132grain128cultivation114substrates112agar106bags104species92jar91jars82willoughby arevalo70contamination70logs63alcohol61spore60straw58filter57cultures57oyster55spores54steam49inoculation47oysters47grain spawn46needle45medicinal44lid43myceliated42soil42bacteria42lab42pasteurization40compost39syringe39inoculated38humidity36mushroom cultivation36spaces35contaminants34strains34caps34tissue34sterilized34carmen34cultivators33harvest32pasteurized32environmental31cultivated31mycelial31shiitake30sterilization30sawdust spawn30molds29  Post a Review To post a review, please sign in or sign upYou can write a book review and share your experiences. Other readers will always be interested in your opinion of the books you`ve read. Whether you`ve loved the book or not, if you give your honest and detailed thoughts then people will find new books that are right for them.TOR version">Free ebooks since 2009. FAQ BlogTOR version">PrivacyDMCAEnglish 

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DIY Mushroom Cultivation Growing Mushrooms Home Food Medicine Soil Willoughby


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DIY Mushroom Cultivation: Growing Mushrooms at Home for Food, Medicine, and Soil Willoughby Arevalo
