Computer Networks: A Systems Approach (Morgan Kaufmann Series in Networking)

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New: Unix Sockets Programming Assignments are now available for instructors A systems-oriented view of computer network design that goes beyond current technology to instill in readers a grasp of the underlying concepts and a foundation for making sound network design decisions. By providing an understanding of the components of a network and a feel for how these components fit together to form a complete network, this book empowers readers to design real networks that are both efficient and elegant. It emphasizes network software that transforms raw hardware into richly functional, high performance network systems. Internet protocols are used as examples throughout, providing a practical and immediately relevant focus. Code fragments from the x-kernel, a working network subsystem, illustrate the concepts and demonstrate how the protocols are actually implemented. Computer Networks is thoroughly innovative in both form and content. The content offers a penetrating discussion that explains - not just describes - fundamental networking principles, in practical terms relevant to real world networks of today. The form of each chapter provides the instructor with pedagogical tools that ease course preparation, and that enhance the student`s learning experience. Please browse the sample chapters to experience Computer Networks: A Systems Approach online. See a review at Danny Yee`s Book Reviews.

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Computer Networks Systems Approach Morgan Kaufmann Series Networking


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Computer Networks: A Systems Approach (Morgan Kaufmann Series in Networking)
