Advanced Project Portfolio Management and the PMO: Multiplying ROI at Warp Speed

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This comprehensive book covers the strategy, tactics, and processes needed for successful project portfolio management. It outlines a road map to unprecedented project management improvement and includes a detailed implementation plan for both strategic planning and a PMO that gives you measurable results in weeks. The authors delineate four processes that get a PMO off the ground much faster, driving bottom-line value almost immediately. It includes real PMO case studies, provides a way to evaluate your PMO, illustrates how Six Sigma and the PMO can support each other and be used to drive bottom-line value and presents the new Theory of Constraints 4x4 method of strategic planning and the Critical Chain Multi-Project Management approach. . This book shows you how to turn a PMO into a value machine.

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Advanced Project Portfolio Management PMO Multiplying ROI Warp Speed


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Advanced Project Portfolio Management and the PMO: Multiplying ROI at Warp Speed
