Cambridge IELTS 6 Audio CDs: Examination papers from University of Cambridge ESOL Examinations (IELTS Practice Tests) (No. 6)

该资源由用户: 水桥高山 上传  举报不良内容

I bought this book to study for my IELTS test which will be in May10th but when I requested the CD and Book I have received only CD without book so I can not prctice, and I paid $15 to Aramix Co.(Shop &Ship) for shipment from my address in NY to my address in Saudi Arabia Jeddah, since I live in Jeddah, I have complained and retruned the CD to Amazon and paid for shipment from Saudi Arabia to NY, and they have apologise and told me that they will send me new CD with Audio book, I waited, and when today I received the items I surprised that it was again only CD without Audio book, and I paid also for another $15 shipment from NY to Saudi Arabia for Aramix. I will send it back today to Amazon and I am going to gain loos $30 for shipment from USA to my address in Saudi Arabi from Aramiz, and going to pay also for the return mail to USA from Saudi Arabia which cost me around $50.00 total loss I got is $80.00 for CD and book bought them from Amazon for only $41.00 And I hope they will return the $40.00 that they have charged me for buying the IELTS CD &Audio.

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大小: 175.4 KB
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Cambridge IELTS Audio CDs Examination papers University ESOL Examinations Practice


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Cambridge IELTS 6 Audio CDs: Examination papers from University of Cambridge ESOL Examinations (IELTS Practice Tests) (No. 6)
