Healing the Broken: A Kindred Christmas Tale (Brides of the Kindred)

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A warrior and his young son, both broken by lossA girl running from her past and trying to find a futureIt’s Christmas and the stakes are high.Can Sarah learn to love Sazar and his young son Tsandor…Or will her past ruin her last chance at happiness?You’ll have to read Healing the Broken to find out.Sarah Michaels is running for her life.Abducted into a cult called The Brotherhood of Peace at age twelve, she has grown up in an abusive system. Now as an adult, she is desperate to get away before she must become a “Bride of the Prophet” and is forced to have sex with the leader, the lecherous Father Caleb. Sarah runs from the cult…and straight into the arms of a tall, dark, angry Kindred warrior.Commander Sazar is the ultimate diplomat but not a very good boss. In fact, he’s awful because he has the habit of biting his personal assistants. As a Pitch-Blood Kindred, he needs blood on a regular basis and since his beautiful wife is dead, he is forced to take it from the female who is closest to him. Five secretaries have quit because of his blood requirements and he’s desperate to find a new one before he goes on his latest diplomatic mission to Alquon Ultrea. Desperate enough to take on a girl with very little experience and no resume to speak of because she’s willing to let him bite her and drink her blood.Desperation might have brought them together but Sazar and Sarah soon find they have much in common. It’s Christmas time and a deep mutual attraction draws them together. But when a misunderstanding tears them apart and Sarah is taken by the Brotherhood of Peace, can Sazar save her? And can Sarah help him by Healing the Brokenness inside?

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Kindred Healing Broken Christmas Tale Brides


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Healing the Broken: A Kindred Christmas Tale (Brides of the Kindred)
