Design of Blast-Resistant Buildings in Petrochemical Facilities

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This updated edition provides general guidelines for the structural design of blast-resistant petrochemical facilities. Information is provided for U.S. Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) requirements, design objectives, siting considerations, and load determination; and references cite sources of detailed information. Detailed coverage is provided for types of construction, dynamic material strengths, allowable response criteria, analysis methods, and design procedures. Typical details and ancillary considerations, such as doors and windows, are also included. A how-to discussion on the upgrade of existing buildings is provided for older facilities which may not meet current needs. Three example calculations are included to illustrate design procedures. Content: Front Matter • Table of Contents • Interactive Graphs Table  (22) 1. Introduction 2. General Considerations 3. Determination of Loads 4. Types of Construction 5. Dynamic Material Strength and Response Criteria 6. Dynamic Analysis Methods 7. Design Procedures 8. Typical Details 9. Ancillary and Architectural Considerations 10. Evaluation and Upgrade of Existing Buildings 11. Shear Wall Building Design Example 12. Metal Building Design Example 13. Masonry Retrofit Design Example • Nomenclature • Glossary • References Index

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Design Blast Resistant Buildings Petrochemical Facilities


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Design of Blast-Resistant Buildings in Petrochemical Facilities
