Unbridling the Tongues of Women: A biography of Catherine Helen Spence

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Originally published in 1985, this revised edition with an updated Introduction, is being published by the University of Adelaide Press to commemorate the anniversary of Catherine Helen Spence`s death on 3 April 1910.Catherine Helen Spence was a charismatic public speaker in the late nineteenth century, a time when women were supposed to speak only at their own firesides. In challenging the custom and convention that confined middle-class women to the domestic sphere, she was carving a new path into the world of public politics along which other women would follow, in the first Australian colony to win votes for women.She was also much more - a novelist deserving comparison with George Eliot, Elizabeth Gaskell, and Charlotte Perkins Gilman; a pioneering woman journalist; a `public intellectual` a century before the term was coined; a philanthropic innovator in social welfare and education, with an influence reaching far beyond South Australia; Australia`s first female political candidate. A `New Woman`, she declared herself. The `Grand Old Woman of Australia` others called her.

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Unbridling Tongues Women biography Catherine Helen Spence


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Unbridling the Tongues of Women: A biography of Catherine Helen Spence
