Cardiology Procedures: A Clinical Primer

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This extensively revised edition is a single compact reference that describes a wide variety of diagnostic and therapeutic procedures performed by cardiologists. The focus is on the clinical application of these procedures with descriptions of their technical aspects, as well as contraindications and potential complications. The book provides detailed instruction on the interpretation of clinical data generated during these procedures and includes case presentations to illustrate how they are utilized in clinical practice.Cardiology Procedures: A Clinical Primer contains distilled clinical information and data important to those involved in the clinical care of cardiac patients. Comprising practical material designed to help in learning the diagnostic and therapeutic cardiology procedures performed in clinical practice, it will also be useful for trainees and practitioners in related disciplines.Overview:✓ Clinically oriented reference of techniques and procedures performed by cardiologists✓ Describes both application and performance of procedures, using case studies to illustrate each technique✓ Contains numerous tables and charts to assist in the differential diagnosis and effective management of cardiac patients

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Cardiology Procedures Clinical Primer


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Cardiology Procedures: A Clinical Primer
