Shopping for a Yankee Swap

该资源由用户: 晨风鹏飞 上传  举报不良内容

Christmas is nostalgia heaven for my family (unless you count the Christmas tree fire last year, which we won`t...). Mom owns more holiday decorations than twelve area malls combined. Dad prides himself on hand-chopping the best live tree, while my older sister perfected peppermint cookies to the point of unparalleled bliss, and my younger sister has memorized every Christmas carol with her fingers for a piano bash that goes on and on. And on. But this year, Christmas is different. This year, the McCormick men are joining the Yankee Swap. You know how it works, right? Bring the craziest gift you can possibly find, pick a number, open the presents in order and play “steal the gift” until person Number One gets one last chance to snatch victory from the jaws of defeat. My husband, Declan, is on a mission to win. He`s so sure he can find the absolutely, positively, unreservedly weirdest gift that he`s willing to go to any extreme to find it. Any extreme. That`s right. He`s going thrift store shopping with my mother. The billionaire and the frugal queen are on a quest. Only one will win. And on Christmas evening, after we`re stuffed silly, sung out, the kids fall asleep and the adults break out the bizarre presents and the alcohol, it`ll be showtime. Because there ain`t no competition like a McCormick competition. But the Jacoby family has a trick or ten up its sleeves, too. Declan and Shannon are back in yet another hilarious Christmas family saga in Julia Kent`s New York Times bestselling romantic comedy series. It`s a competitive Yankee Swap - what could go wrong? Read and find out ;) . **

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Shopping Yankee Swap


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Shopping for a Yankee Swap
