The Java tutorial: a short course on the basics = Java 语言导学

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A hands-on guide to the Java programming language,The Java(TM) Tutorial, Fourth Editionis perfect for any developer looking for a proven path to proficiency with Java SE. This popular tutorial "from the Source" has been completely revised and updated to cover Version 6 of the Java Platform, Standard Edition.Written by members of the Java Software team at Sun Microsystems, this book uses a tested, interactive approach and features real-world problems that help you learn the Java platform by example.New to this edition are chapters on generics, collections, Java Web Start, the platform environment, and regular expressions. Key sections, including the Threads, I/O, Object-Oriented Programming Concepts, and Language Basics chapters have been completely rewritten to reflect reader feedback and to cover new features added to the Java SE 6 platform. A new appendix contains information on how to prepare for the Java Programming Language Certification exam.As with the previous editions, you will find clear explanations of the fundamentals of objects, classes, and data structures, as well as detailed coverage of exceptions, I/O, and threads. All of the popular features that made this book a classic have been retained, including convenient summaries at the end of each section and Questions and Exercises segments to help you practice what you learn.The accompanying CD-ROM is filled with valuable resources including the latest Java SE software (the JRE, JDK, Java API spec, and the guide documentation), the code samples from this book, and solutions to the questions and exercises.The Java(TM) Series is supported, endorsed, and authored by the creators of the Java technology at Sun Microsystems, Inc. It is the official place to go for complete, expert, and definitive information on Java technology. The books in this series provide the inside information you need to build effective, robust, and portable applications and applets. The Series is an indispensable resource for anyone targeting the Java(TM) platform.

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Java tutorial short course basics 导学 语言


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The Java tutorial: a short course on the basics = Java 语言导学
