Letters For Special Situations: Letters to use in the special situations in life

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Sometimes it is necessary to write a special letter for a special situation in life. In Letters For Special Situations, you will find great letters to use as models for business and personal reasons including: Letters asking for a raise, Letters of resignation, Letters of reference, Letters notifying a vendor of a breach of contract, Letter to a Congressman, Letters of complaint, Letters requesting reinstatement to an academic program, Follow-up letters after an interview, Letters requesting bill consolidation, Letters of reprimand to marginal employees, Letters requesting financial assistance or a grant, Letters to professionals disputing their charges, Collections letters, Thank-you letters, Letters to accompany resumes in job-hunting, and More! This book is part of the Anne McKinney Career Series by PREP Publishing.

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Letters Special Situations use special situations life


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Letters For Special Situations: Letters to use in the special situations in life
