Flipping Confidential: The Secrets of Renovating Property for Profit in Any Market

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Real estate isn`t just for the rich! And this book proves it. In Flipping Confidential, Kirsten Kemp, the host of TLC`s runaway hit show, Property Ladder, gives first-time investors the guidance and inside tips to buy cheap, fix fast, and sell high. With a positive attitude and a healthy dose of humor, Kirsten Kemp walks you through every step of a successful flip—from finding the right house to getting your financing in order, from making big improvements to pricing the home to sell.If you`ve ever seen Property Ladder, you know that successfully fixing and flipping a property can be a deeply rewarding experience—both personally and financially—when you do it right. Kemp makes sure you do it right in Flipping Confidential, revealing all the inside knowledge she has amassed as a successful flipper.

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Flipping Confidential Secrets Renovating Property Profit Any Market


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Flipping Confidential: The Secrets of Renovating Property for Profit in Any Market
