DNA conformation and transcription

该资源由用户: 水月宏达 上传  举报不良内容

Despite remarkable progress in genome science, we are still far from a clear understanding of how genomic DNA is packaged without entanglement into a nucleus, how genes are wrapped up in chromatin, how chromatin structure is faithfully inherited from mother to daughter cells, and how the differential expression of genes is enabled in a given cell type. Exploring and answering these questions constitutes one of the next frontiers in the 21st century. We are just beginning to appreciate how Multifarious DNA structures provide additional structural and functional dimensions to chromatin organization and gene expression. DNA Conformation and Transcription is the first book that compiles the fruits of the studies that have been performed to date to solve the riddle ‘written’ in DNA conformation ("conformation code"). This book provides a comprehensive overview of the field by covering history of the field, up-to-date topics, clarifications of present day research, and future perspective of what is still to be discovered. Thus, it serves as an invaluable source of information on the "conformation code".

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DNA conformation transcription


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DNA conformation and transcription
