Something to Hide

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With the sickening realisation that his cover has been blown, Detective Dave Burrows knows his family is in serious danger from the vicious stock thieves and murderers, Bulldust and his brother Scotty.Devastating news brings Dave back to Barrabine, where circumstances force him to question his determination to stay in the police force. How could he live with himself if anything happened to Mel and the kids?Mel, understandably frightened, must decide who she`ll listen to. Can she trust Dave to handle this threat hanging over their family, or is her father right to argue that she should leave her marriage immediately?With her acclaimed skill for tension and drama, Fleur McDonald has delivered another richly compelling story in Something to Hide.Praise for Red Dirt Country`McDonald`s knowledge and experience of farming ensures the authenticity of setting and characters ... an engaging mystery.` Book`d Out`These books are go-to reads for me.` Debbish

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Something to Hide
